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This series is about Konik horses in The Netherlands. There are no wild horses living in The Netherlands at this moment, however these horses are bred to become wild again.

As a result of domestication horses became weaker. Back breeding is meant to make them a stronger species again. The horses need to develop stronger hoofs, smaller utters, and resistance against illnesses. Also, the horses need to be detached from humans.
This is done by a group of biologists whom are monitoring the horses. They select the horses every year and send the weakest ones to the slaughterhouse.

The main reason for this de-domestication is maintenance of the Dutch landscapes. The horses graze over and over at the same places, which leaves open places in the landscape without hurting other bushes and trees. If the horses are bred back to a stronger version, the maintenance of the landscapes is becoming a lot cheaper since the horses don't need healthcare anymore.

I think it's interesting matter to think about. Isn't it a paradox to rewild horses by human involvement?

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